God promises never to leave or forsake us.  But, how many people are actually listening to His call.  Well, at least three families have answered God's call to worship.  After 18 months of meeting in Bible studies, the families of Steve Ebersole, Andy Green and Bob Green felt led to start a more public community style meeting.  So, beginning in April 2007, starting with 19 people, St. Helena Community Church was birthed.  

The people of St. Helena Community Church are not new to Christianity.  They are faithful servants of the Gospel from various denominations.  Both Ebersole and Ron Wicker were raised in the Catholic church, but both sought something more in their worship experience.  With a hunger and thirst for the Word of God, they left Catholicism.  Wicker did a short stint with the Methodist church and still found no fulfillment.  Finally in 2008, totally committed to finding out "what saith the Lord,"  Wicker left the Methodist church to join Ebersole in, St. Helena community Church

St. Helena Community Church is bible-based.  Members believe that Jesus Christ is the foundation and cornerstone of the church. Services include singing, corporate prayer and Bible studies that illustrate the everyday application of scriptures. As a Calvary Chapel affiliated church, St. Helena's Community Church is an outreach of the Cornerstone Ministries in Napa.  They are currently seeking a pastor to serve in a part-time capacity.

David was furious when he discovered that all that teaching and preaching to his workers about being kind, compassionate, and honest had gone completely unnoticed.  How dare that guy!  Just because he's rich; who does he think he is. Mr Bigshot had the nerve to say, "David, who is that?"  After all David had done to safeguard Mr. Bigshot's stuff and keep his own guys on their side of the fence.  "Well, I'll just show him who he is dealing with," David roared.  "Let's go fellas.  We'll just have to take Mr. Bigshot down a peg or two or three or four."

Meanwhile, Gail heard about the mistreatment.  She knew exactly what could happen if she did not intervene in the situation.   She was sparked into action.  "Lori, help me get these things together.  I want a feast big enough for 600 people.  Let's get the best wine and get some of those good cakes we all like,"  she said.  When everything was ready, they loaded up and went out to meet David on the road.  They got to the spot just before David and the fellas were heading out.

"Cmon David.  Here, I brought you and the fellas some real good food.  And a little insight.  Mr. Bigshot is not too bright; if you know what I mean.  He's technically illiterate and full of hot wind.  You know that God has always been on your side.  I hope you will accept this token and call it even.  Because, I would hate to see you mess up your future prosperity and success. Don't block your blessings now," Gail reasoned. 

David listened and heeded Gail's wise counsel.  Although, he had let his feelings get in the way of rational thinking, God sent him a messenger just in time to remind him of his position, character, and integrity.  It's a good thing that he had enough sense to listen to her.  David let go of his stress about the situation and forgave Mr. Bigshot. 

Your feelings are your own and it's okay to have them.  It's really important that you do not let your feelings control you, though.  When you walk in the confidence of God in troubled times, he will give you the victory.  

Visit It's Tough Being a Woman (the Esther Bible study by Beth Moore).

Aches and pains in your joints, frequent migraines, over-eating, fear, anxiety, and depression often have a common underlying cause.  Unforgiveness.  The study of the effects of unforgiveness on a person's health and well being is a well researched field in clinical psychology.  Over 1, 200 published studies have been conducted on the subject of forgiveness/unforgiveness.  Science now confirms what the Bible has always taught.  Ephesians 4:32 says, "And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God also in Christ forgave you."  

There are many reasons for human beings to exhibit these character traits; not the least of which is for the sake of physical health.  An unforgiving heart eats away at your subconscious mind and causes stress.  This stress is often manifested by resentment, hostility, bitterness, and anger.  And because there is usually little or no contact with the offending party, these feelings fester.  You feel the results in aches, pains, anxieties, and fears.  Your family and friends get a taste through your behavior toward them; often driving them further and further away from you.  The resulting loneliness turns into addictions and diseases of all sorts. 

Additionally, mental health and emotional stability are greatly impacted by a person's capacity to forgive. Your thoughts may be consumed by the person who wronged you or you are doing everything in your power to eliminate that person from your thoughts.   Either way, the person whom you won't forgive, is affecting your freedom, your actions, your decisions, your very life.  You refuse to go to a certain place, because "they" will be there.  You turn opposite direction because you seen "them."  You reject invitations to social events.  You shop across town.  All the time you are building up more and more anger, more and more resentment, and more and more rage.

In a recent article written by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, she states, "Withholding forgiveness can lead to bitterness, rage, and hostility; which in turn can lead to physical ailments such as high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, and heart disease."  DeMoss authored the book "Choosing Forgiveness" which specifies strategies for putting God's grace and mercy into practice by forgiving others.  

Forgiveness is not very easy to do when you have never put forth the effort.  But, here's a tip.  First think of all the people who have hurt you (one at a time).  As you think of each incident, say a short prayer to God.  "Lord, I give this situation to you.  The load is too heavy for me.  In Jesus' name, Amen."  Go through each and every situation of unforgiveness.  It may take some people days or weeks to release everything.  Just keep doing it.  Every time you think about one of these situations again, say the same prayer again.  Over time, you will begin to leave each problem with the Lord. This exercise may sound very simplistic to some people (and it is).  But, I know that it works.  And you will know it too, when you decide in your heart to forgive.

People must forgive in order to be released from the bondage of unforgiveness.  Once a person forgives others, they free themselves to become all that they can be.  According to lifestyle guru, Dean Ornish, "the most selfish thing you can do for yourself is to forgive other people."  Romans 12:19-21 states, "Don’t seek revenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to God’s wrath. For it is written, “Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay, says the Lord.”  Therefore If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing so, you will heap coals of fire on his head.  Don’t be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."

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