David was furious when he discovered that all that teaching and preaching to his workers about being kind, compassionate, and honest had gone completely unnoticed.  How dare that guy!  Just because he's rich; who does he think he is. Mr Bigshot had the nerve to say, "David, who is that?"  After all David had done to safeguard Mr. Bigshot's stuff and keep his own guys on their side of the fence.  "Well, I'll just show him who he is dealing with," David roared.  "Let's go fellas.  We'll just have to take Mr. Bigshot down a peg or two or three or four."

Meanwhile, Gail heard about the mistreatment.  She knew exactly what could happen if she did not intervene in the situation.   She was sparked into action.  "Lori, help me get these things together.  I want a feast big enough for 600 people.  Let's get the best wine and get some of those good cakes we all like,"  she said.  When everything was ready, they loaded up and went out to meet David on the road.  They got to the spot just before David and the fellas were heading out.

"Cmon David.  Here, I brought you and the fellas some real good food.  And a little insight.  Mr. Bigshot is not too bright; if you know what I mean.  He's technically illiterate and full of hot wind.  You know that God has always been on your side.  I hope you will accept this token and call it even.  Because, I would hate to see you mess up your future prosperity and success. Don't block your blessings now," Gail reasoned. 

David listened and heeded Gail's wise counsel.  Although, he had let his feelings get in the way of rational thinking, God sent him a messenger just in time to remind him of his position, character, and integrity.  It's a good thing that he had enough sense to listen to her.  David let go of his stress about the situation and forgave Mr. Bigshot. 

Your feelings are your own and it's okay to have them.  It's really important that you do not let your feelings control you, though.  When you walk in the confidence of God in troubled times, he will give you the victory.  

Visit It's Tough Being a Woman (the Esther Bible study by Beth Moore).